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Stagira the homeland of Aristotle

Stagira was a small city of Halkidiki in the 4th century, which was under the jurisdiction of Macedonia's Κing. Aristotle, who later became one of the most important Greek philosophers of ancient times, was born there in 384 B.C. Today the region is called Liotopi, and is half kilometer south of Olympiada village. Aristotle came from an important and wealthy family. His father Nicomachus belonged to the genus of Asclepius and historical sources report that he was personal doctor, friend and advisor of Κing Amyntas II, father of Macedonia's King Philip II. His mother, Faistida, came from Halkida. Aristotle spent his childhood years in Pella, in the Macedonian Royal Court. His parents died when he was still a child so he was raised by a relative and friend of his father named Proxenus.
Mount Athos
A thousand year old history

Mount Athos, commonly known as Holy Mountain, is the most important center of orthodox monasticism since late 10th century and is one of the top monuments of the world's cultural heritage. It occupies the northern part of Halkidiki's peninsula, its size is 45 km in length and 5-10 km in width, and is named after the mountain's homonymous peak (at 2.033m) that overlooks the rocky strip of land. The Athos peninsula is forested, has pastures and small areas that monks do their "handiwork", i.e. cultivate, for centuries. However, the name "Garden of Virgin Mary" is given by popular faith, because it is the only place privileged to have its own heritage and dominion.
Even though tradition says that the first hermits settled there at the end of the 8th century, the first ones mentioned is a person shrouded by mists of myth named Peter the Athonite and Saint Euthymius the Younger, both settling there in 859. Initially, cenobitic monasticism appeared in 963, when Athanasios the Athonite, supported by his friend and emperor Nikephoros Phokas, founded the oldest monastery of Megisti (Great) Lavra. In 972, John Tsimiskes signed the famous "Tragos" (a text on parchment), which constitutes the Athonite monasticism's first "typicon", bearing the rules of organizing and operation of the cenobitic communities. Avaton, is one of the most ancient and unbreakable rules. In 1060, emperor Constantine Monomachos introduced the so called avaton, the non-accessibility of Mount Athos to eunuchs, beardless children and women. It attracted the interest, grace protection and tax immunity of the Byzantine emperors and the other Balkans orthodox rulers right from the very first years of its history. At the same time, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople claimed and still has the spiritual jurisdiction of the monasteries.
Amazing beatches

Ierissos beach
The Municipal camping and few summer beach bars operate on the large and impressive sandy beach of Ierissos. There are lots of facilities such as umbrellas, sun loungers, showers etc. Apart from the beach bars, there are also taverns and restaurants situated on the long pedestrian street of Ierissos. The famous old shipyards called "karnagia" are near the port, on the south side of the beach.
Unique formations of white rocks and thick, white sand create an impressive sight. A small sign before you enter Ierissos (coming from Stratoniki) shows the way to the beach. The huge beach of Ierissos begins after Kakoudia.
The northern border to the Holly Mountain -at Skopos position- marks the end of the busy Komitsa beach. It is one of the longest in the Municipality of Aristotle. You will find umbrellas and sun loungers at some points. It is located just 5 km from Nea Roda and approximately 8 km from Ouranoupoli.
A famous beach and the longest on the island of Ammouliani, organized with umbrellas and sun loungers in three places. Two of them have a beach bar and at the center are facilities for water sports. Alikes are on the south side of Ammouliani, near the settlement and offer view to Sithonia.
The complex islets of Drenia (or Gaidouronisia) is east of Ammouliani. Drenia is the largest islet and Feti, Penna, Artemi etc are the smaller ones. Only residents of Ammouliani used to go to Drenia to celebrate Clean Monday. At present day it is an organized tourist destination with umbrellas, sun loungers, tavern-refreshment stand etc. You can go there by boat from Ouranoupolis or rent a private boat to explore every islet and its beaches one by one.